Psychedelic Salon
786 episodes
Since 2005, Lorenzo Hagerty has been podcasting interviews and talks concerning the use and benefits of psychoactive plants and chemicals, both in their natural settings and in medical research institutions. Past speakers include Sasha Shulgin, Annie Oak, Rick Doblin, Daniel Pinchbeck, Shonagh Home, Bruce Damer, Aldous Huxley and others. And there have been over 200 programs featuring talks by Terence McKenna. Also interviews with several of the now long gone elders, such as Gary Fisher, Myron Stolaroff, and Al Hubbard have also been featured.
Podcast 106 – “How Rare We Are in the Universe”
Sep, 12, 2007
Guest speaker: Bruce DamerPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)[NOTE: All quotations below are by Bruce Damer]08:17 Bruce tells about the three-day white out that followed the 2002 Burning Man festival.15:59 Bruce talks about the problem of dust on the moon.18:46"We all grew up seeing...
Podcast 105 – “My Life as a Shaman and Artist”
Aug, 22, 2007
Guest speaker: Pablo Amaringo[NOTE: All quotations below are by Pablo Amaringo, as interpreted by Lorenzo from Zoe7's translation.]Pablo Amaringo was elected to the Global 500 Roll of Honor of the United Nations Environmental Program in recognition of outstanding practical achievements in the...
Podcast 104 – “Consciousness Isn’t What It Seems To Be”
Aug, 04, 2007
Guest speaker: Susan BlackmorePROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)03:30 Jon Hanna introduces Susan Blackmore08:04 "A lot of people kind of think that scientists like myself are kind of pushing the problem [of what is consciousness] away, some are, but there’s a huge excitement about what...
Podcast 103 – “Psychoactive Drugs Through Human History”
Jul, 25, 2007
Guest speaker: Andrew WeilPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)NOTE:All quotes below are by Dr. Andrew Weil04:41 "There are no good or bad drugs. Drugs are what we make of them. They have good and bad uses."05:04 "I know of no culture in the world at present or any time in the past that has...
Podcast 102 – “Build Your Own Damn Boat”
Jul, 20, 2007
Guest speaker: Terence McKennaPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)05:33 Terence begins with a discussion of "the felt presence of immediate experience."08:10 Terence McKenna: "The thing I like about the Zippy culture and the house, trance-dance, techno culture is that it’s about feeling....
Podcast 101 – “Ayahuasca Adventure”
Jul, 12, 2007
Guest speakers: Lorenzo & JamesPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)07:17 James and Lorenzo begin a discussion about the fortuitous ways in which people come into contact with ayahuasca.17:30 James describes the preparation of the ayahuasca brew the day of their ceremony.24:05 Lorenzo...
Podcast 100 – “Psychedelics and Spirituality Conference – 1983″ (Part 1)
Jul, 03, 2007
Guest speakers: Sasha Shulgin and Terence McKennaPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)10:09 Sasha Shulgin: "First, I am a very firm believer in the reality of balance in all aspects of the human theater."11:00 Sasha Shulgin: "One definition of the tools I seek is that they may allow words...
Podcast 099 – “Controlling The Culture” (Part 1)
Jun, 29, 2007
Guest speakers: Richard Glen Boire, Erik Davis, and John GilmorePROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)05:08 Richard Glen Boire: "What if the government could inoculate you so you couldn’t get high, so if you took a drug it didn’t work in you?"07:53 Richard begins a discussion about the...
Podcast 098 – “Psychedelic Research in the 1960s” (Part 2)
Jun, 20, 2007
Guest speaker: Gary FisherPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)04:20 Gary tells about his encounter with an extraterrestrial.07:11 Stories of another encounter with otherworldly entities, this time in the desert.09:40 The story about a man who always longed for a UFO experience.11:36 Gary...
Podcast 097 – “Psychedelic Research in the 1960s” (Part 1)
Jun, 12, 2007
Guest speaker: Gary FisherPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)Our conversation began by looking at photos of some of Gary’s former students, patients, and famous friends.13:12 We begin a discussion of Gary’s work in the 1960s with severely emotionally disturbed children suffering from...
Podcast 096 – “Psychedelic Research, MDMA Safety Issues, and more”
Jun, 08, 2007
Guest speaker: Charles S. Grob, M.D.PROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)03:20 Charlie talks about how he got into psychedelic research.07:47 Charlie: "My interest has always been in studying the potential therapeutic effects of MDMA. I’ve always had concerns about use and abuse of the...
Podcast 095 – “Energy Drinks . . . and other stuff”
May, 30, 2007
Guest speaker: Jon HannaPROGRAM NOTES:Jon Hanna enjoying an energy dring while visiting the Shulgins.Photo credit: Marc Franklin (Lordnose) (c) 2007(Minutes : Seconds into program)06:19 Jon tells about starting the publication of The Psychedelic Resource List.08:32 Lorenzo and Jon discuss articles...
Podcast 094 – “Morphogenic Family Fields” (Part 2)
May, 29, 2007
Guest speakers: Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham, and Terence McKennaPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)04:38 Rupert Sheldrake: quot;The primary metaphor is the magnetic field, that’s what gives you the sense of a field. But if you look at the type of physics that would be appropriate...
Podcast 093 – “Morphogenic Family Fields” (Part 1)
May, 18, 2007
Guest speakers: Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham, and Terence McKennaPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)05:25 Rupert Sheldrake: "And so in human family groups we’d expect the same kind of morphic fields [as in other animal family groups]. . . . It would mean that family fields, with...
Podcast 092 – “Lone Pine Stories” (Part 3)
May, 09, 2007
Guest speaker: Myron StolaroffPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program) 02:29 Myron Stolarofftalks about writing "The Secret Chief", a biography of Leo Zeff.06:06Lorenzodescribes Dr. Michael Mitthoefer’s research where he is using MDMA to treat victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...
Podcast 091 – “The Balkanization of Epistemology” (Part 2)
May, 06, 2007
Guest speakers: Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham, and Rupert SheldrakePROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)05:25 Rupert Sheldrake describes how one could go about creating a "consumer’s report" for odd-ball theories.06:23Terence McKenna:"Ninety-five percent of the scientists who have...
Podcast 090 – “The Balkanization of Epistemology” (Part 1)
May, 02, 2007
Guest speakers: Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham, and Rupert SheldrakePROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)02:09 Terence McKenna: "Somehow as a part of the agenda of political correctness it has become not entirely acceptable to criticize, or demand substantial evidence, or expect people,...
Podcast 089 – “Ayahuasca: Diet, Rituals, and Powers”
Apr, 25, 2007
Guest speaker: Matt PallamaryPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)04:48 Matt: "Ayahuasca doesn’t hide anything. . . . It can amplify perceptions, but it can also amplify fears or shadow aspects of yourself, the dark you’ve been avoiding. Ayahuasca has an intelligence to it that seeks...
Podcast 088 – “Status of Psilocybin Study at Harbor-UCLA”
Apr, 19, 2007
Guest speaker: Dr. Preet ChopraPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)02:56 Preet describes the study he is working on at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center where he and Dr. Charles Grob are giving psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) to end-stage cancer patients who are also...
Podcast 087 – “MDMA Before Ecstasy”
Apr, 10, 2007
Guest speakers: George Greer and Requa TolbertPROGRAM NOTES:(Minutes : Seconds into program)06:30George talks about how they began to use MDMA in their work.07:37 "We didn’t want it to get in the newspapers, because we knew that because it felt good it would eventually get out on the street and be...