Levi is a former tech entrepreneur who has been working on himself with the aid of iboga & other plant medicines for the last 15+ years. Since being a young boy Levi has always felt drawn to helping bring out the best in people. After training for a 7 year period while managing his businesses Levi listened to his soul & dedicated himself fully to iboga. Levi spent 7 years taking the medicine and learning the tradition before ever serving another person medicine.
Levi directs the retreats and the teachings in an easy to digest way, understanding the most of us need to simplify our life rather than complicate it. Levi believes when we get down to the core truths of life and nature, the answers are very simple.
After many years of struggling with varying substances, decisions, and blame from difficult early childhood years, Levi was able to take control of his life with iboga guiding his own inner wisdom.
Levi has been through many of the same things guest come to IWC looking to solve. Having had to go to the depths himself makes Levi also plays mongongo and is learning the Bwiti harp.
You can learn more about Levi and IWC on our podcasts page Iboga Wellness Center podcasts.
You can also watch interviews with Levi on our Youtube channel, Iboga Wellness Youtube channel.
and interviews with Lana from The Modern Psychedelics Podcast.
and view an in-depth video series on Iboga and IWC with Zoey Arielle on her Youtube channel. Zoey Arielle Iboga Experience video series
Levi Is also an author and contributor on Quora.com where he offers expert advice for those seeking information on iboga. Levi Barker Quora profile.