Ketamine Therapy: Promoting Access and Cultural Responsibility

Sep 2 – Sep 2, 2020


Ketamine Therapy: Promoting Access and Cultural Responsibility

Featuring Sara Reed in conversation with DrKaylie Tejeda

Wednesday, September 2nd at 12pm PST 

Ketamine therapy continues to gain popularity as a promising treatment to some cases of major depression and other mental health disorders. As many ketamine clinics continue to emerge across the United States, it is important for clinicians to think critically about ethical and effective treatment solutions that are responsive to the current times. In the midst of this era plagued by COVID-19 and the hypervisibility of violence inflicted on Black Americans, there is an increase in exposure to trauma among many groups of people. Clinicians, researchers, and epidemiologists also predict an increase in anxiety and depression post COVID-19, and the need to re-imagine mental health care in this digital era is paramount. How do we make ketamine therapy accessible in the midst of a pandemic? What does culturally responsible care look like within ketamine-assisted psychotherapy? What do ethical and sustainable business models look like within this work? The presenter will address these questions and provide insights from her experiences as a black therapist in private practice. 

Last updated: Sep 01, 2020