Human Mycelium Retreat

Open Learning
1,950 USD
In Person
10 Days


Do you feel called to cultivate a deeper connection with your community and local ecosystem?

With the Human Mycelium Retreat, we want to empower emerging leaders like you, who feel the Fungal Call to make a positive impact on their human and natural communities.

We want you to have a greater sense of who you are and what you can offer the world. You have so many gifts to share! Find your own potential to transform yourself and the lives of those around you.

Feel more confident in growing your reach and your impact. You will notice a powerful and positive change in how you show up for yourself and others. You'll be lit up by what feels possible, and well-resourced to get out there, to connect and grow!

You will leave the Human Mycelium Retreat with more clarity on your gifts and the areas for your growth, more ability to ask for and receive what you need, and a stronger sense of what matters most to you in the work you're meant to do.

Learn how to connect with your local human mycelium network, and build connections with fellow leaders from around the world
Discover our deep connection to the Fungal Queendom 👑
Cultivate skills and tools to be a more effective leader and community builder. 🌎
Connect to like minded human beings who are called to spread the magic of fungal wisdom to THEIR community ✨
10 Days of Fun, Fungal Education and Connection 🎓

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