Healing the Healer: Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Self-Care in NOSC-Assisted Psychotherapies
Continuing Education
Sep 09, 2023
8 Hours
Awarded: Certificate of Completion
In this workshop, we focus on the specifics of working with non-ordinary states of consciousness (NOSC) in psychotherapy, and the importance of self-care, processing material post-session, and preparation strategies for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy sessions to prevent countertransference stress and burnout.
This training session integrates diverse clinical theories, traditions, and philosophies on therapist self-care, offering participants an increasingly wide-angle lens on the evolving field of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and grounding it in clinical wisdom. Attention is also given to an understanding of vicarious traumatization, burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary post-traumatic stress.
This training session integrates diverse clinical theories, traditions, and philosophies on therapist self-care, offering participants an increasingly wide-angle lens on the evolving field of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and grounding it in clinical wisdom. Attention is also given to an understanding of vicarious traumatization, burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary post-traumatic stress.