Develop a Practice & Get More From Your Trips

Open Learning
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5 hours


Psychedelics are powerful.
Like, nuclear powerful. People often describe a single journey as the equivalent of 15 years of therapy crammed into a few hours. 🤯

Dang, that’s amazing, right? But also a heck of a lot to process… at least for mere mortals like us.

That’s why seasoned practitioners always say, preparation and integration are key. In other words, it’s what you do before and after your trip that allows to you bring those mind-blowing lessons and principles into your “real” life.

Otherwise, it’s all too common to fall back into old routines and habits. Sure, you had a cool experience and saw some kaleidoscopic visuals, but nothing important really changes. Womp, womp. 👎

Whether you found your way to psychedelics for healing, performance enhancement, self-discovery, or even transcendence, the truth is, nothing happens overnight. (Sorry.) It’s gonna take ongoing effort with intention to realize your goals.