Adverse Effects of Psychedelics

Open Learning
On Demand
20 USD


After being demonized for more than half a century, several myths related to adverse effects of psychedelics persist. In response to exaggerated or sensational reports of harm, people may be overly cautious or have misconceptions relating to safety risks. Conversely, others may become tone deaf or inappropriately dismissive when adverse effects occur.

In my opinion, like most things that are polarized, the truth lies somewhere between the extremes. As a psychiatric pharmacist safety of psychoactive drug use is a primary concern and have had the opportunity to co-author a chapter in the Handbook of Medical Hallucinogens relating to adverse effects.

This workshop will aim to have balanced and evidence-based discussion of adverse effects relating to psychedelics. The objectives are to:

Differentiate side effects from adverse effects of psychedelics
Describe acute and persistent adverse effects of psychedelics
Define Serotonin Toxicity and Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder
Discuss risk factors, prevention, and treatment of adverse effects related to psychedelics

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