Ananda De Martini


● Ayurvedic wellness counselor, Kerala Ayurveda Academy


● Energy
● General Health
● Goals
● Habits
● Making a change
● Muscle, Bone & Joint Pain
● Pain
● Preventative Care
● Strength & Flexiblity
● Stress


In practice for 3 years

How I Work

Mana: power from within; self-empowerment.
We are multi-dimensional yet subtle beings. In the modern world, our senses are being overstimulated. The most important way to bring balance to that cycle is to call on the opposite. As beings of this Earth, we must sit in nature and quiet our minds to listen to what our bodies have to tell us. This requires simplifying the lifestyle and taking out that which does not serve us. In this way, we can heal ourselves on a mind/body/soul level and reach an optimal state of health and experience true mana. My purpose is to help women integrate this ancient practice into all areas of modern daily life and empower them with the wisdom of the Vedas.
Ananda De Martini

Book with Ananda De Martini